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Gravitas: Indian court: Live-in relationships morally unacceptable
Live-in-relationship is morally and socially unacceptable: High Court
'You Can Consider Your Live-In Partner As Your Family': Supreme Court
Is India ready for live-in relationships?
Youngsters Avoiding Marriage To 'Enjoy Free Life', Live-In Relationships On Rise : Kerala HC
Gravitas: Why the legal system needs a reality check
Live-in-relationships Morally, Socially Unacceptable, Says Punjab HC - TV9
Live in relationships Morally, Socially Unacceptable says Punjab and Haryana High Court - UP PCS J
Punjab & Haryana High Court On Live-In Relationships: "Socially Unacceptable"
Gravitas | Study: Unhappy marriages can be fatal
Rise in number of live-in couples in India
Gravitas: Child 'love marriages' : A curse for girls in Nepal